We strive to provide funding where available to members to help further their equine education and pursuits. Below are funding opportunities available for current members.
Financial Aid/Equipment Support Programs
Provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under can play a season of sport. It is important to note that the coach/leader applying for or listed on the application must meet Equestrian Nova Scotia's Safe Sport Standards. We acknowledge that some coaches may not be aware of this requirement prior to applying and have outlined the steps to meet these standards prior to their subsequent applications. Our Safe Sport Standards Chart can be found under our Programs Tab or by clicking here.
Funding to help cover the costs associated with your child's sport or physical activity.
Long Term Equestrian Development (LTED) Bursary Program
Awarded to athletes who best demonstrate a continuing commitment towards skill development. Up to four bursaries of $500.00 each are awarded annually to Equestrian NS members who exemplify a commitment to personal long term equestrian athlete development.
Educational Bursary Program
Deadline: May 1st
To support the post-secondary educational endeavours of our young members, we have developed the Educational Bursary Program. This program provides up to six bursaries of $500.00 each awarded annually to Equestrian NS members.
Equestrian NS Athlete Performance Program
In partnership with the Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic and Sport Nova Scotia's Support4Sport Program, we are pleased to be able to provide support to our athletes with our Athlete Performance Program. Our Athlete Performance Program is targeted at podium-bound athletes with successful competition experience, whose goal is to represent Nova Scotia in one of Equestrian Canada’s National Team programs, Breed/Discipline Qualifying National and International Championships!
Support4Sport Official Funding
Available to Equestrian NS officials for certification or training initiatives. Officials will be supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist the Nova Scotia sport system at all levels.
Deadline: Eligible Officials can apply at any time. Applications must be completed and submitted by the applicant and endorsed by Equestrian NS by the 13th of the month. Please allow for reasonable time for us to review and endorse.
Support4Sport Coach Funding
Available to NCCP Certified Coaches for advanced certification or training initiatives. Coaches will be supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist Nova Scotia athletes and coaches at all levels. Only coaches with a minimum Competition Coach certification will be considered. Generally, funding will not be available for traveling to events with athletes.
Deadline: Eligible Coaches can apply at any time. Applications must be completed and submitted by the applicant and endorsed by Equestrian NS by the 13th of the month. Please allow for reasonable time for us to review and endorse.
IDEA Initiative
Inclusivity, diversity, equality and accessibility (IDEA) are vital components in creating programs and initiatives for equestrian clubs and riding establishments. We recognize that, like many others, our sport encounters challenges in providing opportunities that address these areas. As a result, we have developed the Equestrian IDEAs initiative with the intention of providing up to $500 of funding to support your program in its initial stages of implementation. You are encouraged to apply for funding by submitting this application form. If you have any questions during the process or would like to discuss any ideas for programs, please feel free to contact us as 1-800-263-2410 or [email protected]
Application Form
Deadline: Applications are accepted 4 times a year for the IDEA Initiative - March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
Sport Fund Community Grant
Available to Equestrian NS member Clubs/Associations interested in increasing participation, sustainability, and quality of their sport through a program. This may include new programs or the expansion of existing programs. Applicants are encouraged to read the eligibility information and ensure they meet the criteria before making an application.
Deadline: Applications must be completed and submitted by the applicant and endorsed by Equestrian NS by the 13th of the month (April & October). Please allow for reasonable time for us to review and endorse.
Summer Student Employment Grants
Not-for-profit clubs may qualify to hire a summer student through employment programs offered by both the provincial and federal government. Applications are completed online by the deadline date.
Annually offered by the Government of NS through the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop facilities in order to increase public participation in sport and physical recreation.
Sport Nova Scotia's Sport Split 50/50 - click here for more information.
Sport Nova Scotia's Sport Sweep Ticket Fall/Winter Campaign - click here for more information.
Sport Nova Scotia's Sport Sweep Ticket Spring/Summer Campaign - click here for more information.